christian's leseliste


 • Back When We Were Grownups, Anne Tyler

 • The five people you meet in heaven, Mitch Albom

 • The last summer (of you and me), Ann Brashares

 • The book thief, Mark Zusak

 • The edge of winter, Luanne Rice

 • The kite runner, Khaled Hosseini

 • I am the messenger, Mark Zusak

 • Der letzte Weynfeldt, Martin Suter

 • A thousand splendid suns, Khaled Hosseini

 • Feuchtgebiete, Charlotte Roche

 • Slam, Nick Hornby

 • The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

 • Songs without words, Anne Packer

 • The accidental tourist, Anne Tyler

 • Der Chinese, Henning Mannkel

 • The Dive from Clausen's Pier, Ann Packer

 • The Spellman Files, Lisa Lutz
 • Salve Papa, Wladimir Kaminer

 • The curse of the Spellmans, Lisa Lutz

 • Lea, Pascal Mercier

 • The secret between us, Barbara Delinsky


 • Homecoming, Bernhard Schlink

 • Der Vorleser, Bernhard Schlink

 • The bookseller of Kabul, Asne Seierstad

 • The man in the dark, Paul Auster

 • Confession of a Shopaholic, Sophie Kinsella

 • Das Spiel des Engels, Carlos  Ruis Zafon
• The shadow of the wind , Carlos Ruis Zafon
  Nach Hause schwimmen, Rolf Lapart
• Shopaholic meets Manhatten, Sophie Kinsella
 • The blue Notebook, James Levine
 • The Women, T.C. Boyle
 • Eytremly loud and incredible close, Jonathan Safran Foer


 • Last Night in Twisted River, John Irving

 • Anansi's Boys, Neil Gaiman

 • One day, David Nicolls

• Die Mittagsfrau, Julia Franck

 • Juliet, Naked, Nick Hornby

• All my sisters, Judith Lennox

 • A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway

 • The Garden of Eden, Ernest Hemingway

 • Hummeldumm, Tomy Jaud

 • This Side of Paradise, F. Scott Fitzgerald

• Starter for Ten, David Nicholls

• The Einstein Girl, Philip Sington

 • For whom the bells toll, Ernest Hemingway

 • Solar, Ian McEwan

 • A step in the dark, Judith Lennox


 • The Help, Kathrin Stockett

 • One moment, one morning, Sarah Rayner

 • To have and have not, Ernest Hemingway. 

 • The Sun also rises, Ernest Hemingway

• Das Flüstern der Schatten, Jan-Philipp Sendker

• The lady matador's hotel, Cristina Garcia

 • Girls of Riyadh, Rajaa Alsanea

 • Dreaming in Cuban, Cristina Garcia

 • Room, Emma Donoghue

 • The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen

 • Family Album, Penelope Lively

 • Old Filth, Jane Gardam

 • Time's Arrow, Martin Amis

 • Invisible, Paul Auster

 • The man in the wooden hat, Jane Gardam

 • The Breaking of Eggs, Jim Powell

 • Major Pettigrew's Last Stand, Helen Simonson

 • Shopaholic ties the knot, Sophie Kinsella

• Great House, Nicole Krauss

• A tiny bit marvelous, Dawn French

 • I wanna be your shoebox, Cristina Garcia

 • The midnight Palace, Carlos Ruiz Zafón

 • Noah's Compass, Anne Tyler

 • A catcher in the Rye, J. D. Salinger

 • Across the river and into the tree, Ernest Hemingway

 • Eleven, Mark Watson

 • Freedom, Jonathan Franzen

 • Money, Martin Amis

 • Islands in the Stream, Ernest Hemingway

 • The Tiger's Wife, Tea Obreht

 • Jeffrey Eugenides, The Marriage Plot

 • The Fortress of Solitude, Jonathan Lethem


 • Gerron, Charles Lewinski
 • '22 Britannia Road, Amanda Hodgkinson
 • Before the Storm, Judith Lennox

 • The Sense of an Ending, Julian Barnes

 • The Fault in our Stars, John Green

 • The Hangman's Daugther, Oliver Pötzsch

 • PS, I love you, Cecilia Ahern

 • Prayers for Sale, Sandra Dallas

 • The Forgotten Highlander, Alistair Urquhart

 • The Virgin suicides, Jeffrey Eugenides

 • My Dear I wanted to tell you, Louisa Young

 • The Very Thought of You, Rosie Alison

 • The Search, Maureen Myan

 • A Watermelon, a Fish and a Bible, Christy Lefteri

 • The pregnant Widow, Martin Amis

 • The Changeling, Robin Jenkins

 • The Cat's Table, Michael Ondaatje

 • In One Person, John Irvin

 • The Paris wife, Paula Mclain

 • Die Stimmen des Flusses, Jaume Cabré

 • The End of the Affair, Graham Greene

 • Der Junge der Träume schenkte, Fulvio di Luca

 • The Absolutist, John Boyne

 • A moveable feast, Ernest Hemingway

 • The Confessions of Max Tivoli, Andrew Sean Greer

 • The Invention of Solitude, Paul Auster

 • Sweet Tooth, Ian McEwan

 • The Book of Lost Things, John Conolly

 • Mornings in Jenin, Susan Abulhawa

 • The 100-Year-Old Man who climbed out of the window and disappeared, Jonas Jonasson

 • Catching the Tide, Judith Lennox

 • The unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, Rachel Joyce

 • Jeder stirbt für sich allein, Hans Fallada

 • The Sheltering Sky, Paul Bowles

 • Snowflower and the Secret Fan, Lisa See

 • Small Island, Andrea Levy

 • Sarah's Key, Tatiana de Rosnay




• Schattenmorellen, Singrid Hunold-Reime


• Der Gefangene des Himmels, Carlos Ruiz Zafón


• The woman who went to bed for an year, Sue Townsend


• Der Trümmermörder, Cay Rademacher


• Days of Grace, Catherine Hall


• Oh Dear Silvia, Dawn French


• 13 Stunden, Deon Meyer


• The other hand, Chris Cleave


• Der Präsident, David Baldacci


• Wilhelm Tell, Friederich Schiller


• The Queen and I, Sue Townsend


• Sister, Rosamund Lupton


• Frei von Schuld, Chris Tvedt


• A good father, Noah Hawley


• Capital, John Lanchester


• The End of Everything, Megan Abott


• Auf eigene Gefahr, Chris Tvedt


• Tote Freunde, Chris Tvedt


  Canada, Ritschard Ford


• The great Deception, Joy Chambers


• The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Mary Ann Shaffer


• Niedertracht, Chris Tvedt


• And the Mountains Echoed, Khaled Hosseini


• The House of Special Purpose, John Boyne


• Me before you, Jojo Moyes


• Die Eisprinzessin schläft, Camila Lackberg


• Das Schweigen des Sammlers, Jaume Cabré


• The Edge of the Earth, Christina Schwarz


• This House is haunted, John Boyne


• San Miguel, T.C. Boyle


• Der Kommandant und Mädchen, Pam Jenoff


• Save me the Waltz, Zelda Fitzgerald


• The Secret Keeper, Kate Morton


• A long way to Verona, Jane Gardam


• Great Expectations, Charles Dickens


• Guernica, Dave Boling


• The first call from Heaven, Mitch Albom


• And when She was good, Laura Lippman



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